Teflon is to surface coatings what Lewis Hamilton is to F1.
It is omnipresent and is everywhere, on cooking pans, on needles (to reduce pain) and is being considered by NASA for a coating for a space vehicle!
Closer home, Teflon is a vital component of the Asian Paints’ premium brand – Royale.
The pitch happened over 3 rounds across 4 months. The Asia Pacific head as well as the team from the Chemours HQ in Delaware was involved.
It was a sweet win considering it was Teflon’s first ever TVC in India.
The objective was to create consumer awareness about Teflon’s role in paint.
Many discussions and Strat sessions alter, we zeroed in on the brand essence of ‘Protect the Precious’.
Many creative routes were considered but we finally chose a route that featured a natural banter between a husband and wife.
Here’s the film. Enjoy!